Recognizing the importance of engaging ALL people on the urgent need to vote and be civically engaged, these videos were created by the InterReligious Institute in partnership with Black Voters Matter and Action Now Institute. We asked people to tell us why they vote on a self-recorded video and then we engaged spoken word artist Obbie West to create a voting spoken word piece for us. We hope you enjoy the results.
Spoken Word Artist: Obbie West IG: @obbiewest
In May 2019, during a week of Ramadan, the IRI traveled with partner Shoulder to Shoulder to Southeastern United States, as part of a “Ramadan Roadtrip”. IRI joined 5 interfaith community Iftar dinners in Raleigh, Nashville, Atlanta, Louisville and Washington, D.C., engaging with local Muslims and community leaders on the ideas of food, community and innovative interfaith work with the goal to counter anti-Muslim messaging and challenge the traditional interfaith model. On this trip, we collected stories and documented experiences from everyday people building an America where people of all faiths and cultural backgrounds are treated respectfully, fairly, and with dignity. Over 60 stories were gathered and six online videos have emerged from the work. We encourage you to view them, share them and use them to forward the conversation around us. You can also view a mini-documentary of the whole road trip here.
Building relationships and trust take time, humility, and intentional effort. This video, captured on our Ramadan Road Trip in 2019, gathers some reflections on how to be better allies.
"Social change moves at the speed of relationships. Relationships move at the speed of trust." - Rev. Jennifer Bailey
The InterReligious Institute partnered with the 2018 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto, Canada. We set up a listening booth at the conference and met with about 100 people from different faiths, regions and backgrounds to engage them in conversation about their experience of living with and in their beliefs, whatever they may be. They shared stories of how their faith or beliefs manifest in this world, how important social justice issues are and how their beliefs shape how they move in this world.
Welcome to our Story Project series: “Snapshots of America”. This was the precursor to the Ramadan Roadtrip video series found above. In this photo series, we are sharing glimpses of people we met on the RAMADAN ROADTRIP 2019 through their images and their own words. Find the full series on Facebook.
Below are organizations we have partnered with for Story Project. We invite you to become one of our next Story Project partners. Click here to contact us for more information.